Storing Aircraft tires and tubes

Tires are designed to be tough, durable and to withstand large loads and high speeds. They can provide years of reliable service if a few precautions are followed. The ideal location for tire and tube storage is a cool, dry and reasonably dark location, free from air currents and dirt. While low temperatures (not below 0 C/32 F, however) are not objectionable, room temperatures above 32 C/90 F are detrimental and should be avoided.

Handling aircraft tires 

 Care should be  shown when hand ling aircraft tires.  While tough and  durable, tires can be  damaged or cut by  sharp objects or if  excessive force is  used. Avoid lifting  tires with convention al two prong forks of material handling trucks. Damage to bead mounting areas or the innerliner can occur. A wide, flat, pincher type fork assembly of the type that lifts the horizontal tire by squeezing against the tread surface is recommended.  

An alternate recommended method would be using a rounded bar to lift the tire through the center. Avoid the use of forks or other objects which have corners that could damage the bead surfaces. When possible, handle tires by lifting or rolling. 

Avoid moisture and ozone 

Wet or moist conditions have a deteriorating effect on tires and tubes, and can be even more damaging when the moisture contains foreign elements that are further harmful to rubber and cord fabric. 

 Strong air currents should be  avoided, since they  increase the supply of  oxygen and quite often alternate recommended carry ozone, both of method would be used a which cause rapid aging rounded bar to lift the of rubber. 

Particular care should be taken to store tires and tubes away from fluorescent lights, electric motors, battery chargers, electric welding equipment, electric generators and similar electrical devices, since they all create ozone. 

Store away from fuel and solvents

 Make sure that tires do not come into contact with oil, gasoline, jet fuel, hydraulic fluids or other hydrocarbon solvents, since all of these are natural enemies of rubber and cause it to disintegrate rapidly. Be especially careful not to stand or lay tires on floors that are covered with oil or grease. When working on engines or landing gears, tires should be covered so that oil does not drip on them.

 If tires accidentally become contaminated, wash them off with denatured alcohol and then with a soap and water solution. After cleaning, be sure to remove any water that may have accumulated in the interior of an unmounted tire. If after cleaning, the surface of the tire appears soft, or spongy, or bulges are present, the tire is not suitable for service. Should you have any doubt about the serviceability of such a tire, please contact your Michelin Representative or authorized repair station.

Store in the Dark

The storage room should be dark, or at least free from direct sunlight. Windows should be darkened with a coat of blue paint or covered with black plastic. Either of these will provide some diffused lighting during the daytime. Black plastic is preferred since it will lower the temperature in the room during the warm months and permit tires to be stored closer to the window. Fluorescent or mercury vapor lights should not be used

because they generate ozone. Low intensity sodium vapor lights are recommended. See the section on "Ozone" for more information.

Store tires vertically

 Whenever possible, tires should be stored in regular tire racks which hold them up vertically. The surface of the tire rack on which the weight of the tire rests should be flat and, if possible, 3 to 4 inches wide to prevent permanent distortion of the tire.

Horizontal stacking of tires is not recommended

 If tires are stacked horizontally, they may become distorted, resulting in mounting problems. This is particularly true of tubeless tires. Those on the bottom of a stack may have the beads pressed so closely together that bead spreader tools will have to be used to properly space the beads for contact with the wheel during initial inflation.

 If tires must be stacked, they should not be stacked for more than 6 months maximum. The maximum stacking height - 3 tires high if tire diameter is greater than 40 inches. - 4 tires high if tire diameter is less than 40 inches.

 An exception can be made for tires stored in boxes. Stacks of boxed tires must be checked to ensure that the bottom boxes are not crushed.

Store tubes properly

 Tubes should always be stored in their original cartons, so they are protected from light and air currents. They should never be stored in bins or on shelves without being wrapped in several layers of heavy paper.

 Tubes can also be stored by inflating slightly (not more than 1 psi) and inserting them in the same size tire. This, of course, should only be done as a temporary measure. Before mounting a tire and tube stored in such a manner, always remove the tube from the tire and inspect the inside of the tire for foreign material, which, if not cleaned out, could cause irreparable damage to both tube and tire.

 Under no circumstances should tubes ever be hung over nails or pegs, or over any other object which might form a crease in the tube. Such a crease will eventually produce a crack in the rubber and cause tube failure.

Tire and tube age limit

Michelin aircraft tires or tubes may be placed in service, regardless of the calendar age, provided all inspection criteria for service/storage/mounting and individual customer imposed restrictions are met.

 Note : Certain regulatory agencies recommend further restricting the age of rubber products used in the aircraft industry. The decision to adopt these recommendations must be made by the individual user. 

Storage of inflated tire and wheel assemblies

 For storing mounted and inflated tire/Wheel assemblies, see comments in the section on tire mounting found later in this manual.
