General Safety Considerations

 Aircraft tire and wheel assemblies must operate under high pressures in order to carry the loads imposed on them. They should be treated with the same respect that any other high pressure vessel would be given.

Following the recommended procedures given throughout this manual, as well as those provided by authorities such as wheel manufacturers, air-framers and industry regulatory agencies, will minimize the risks and chance of injury.

 IMPORTANT: In the event  of a conflict between recommended procedures be sure to contact your tire representative before undertaking the procedure in question.


 Follow the instructions given in the section on "General Mounting Instructions For Aircraft Tires". Be particularly  attentive when :

 - Rolling tires on the floor and using mechanical lifting equipment to avoid possible back injuries. 

- Inspecting tires and wheels in advance for possible shipping damage. 


 - When inflating tires, be sure to use a suitable inflation cage.

 - Keep pressure hose and fittings used for inflation in good condition. 

- Allow the tire to remain in the inflation cage for several minutes after reaching full inflation pressure.

 - Respect inflation pressures and all other safety instructions. 


- Careful attention should be shown to tire/wheel assemblies being handled or in storage.

- Never approach a tire/wheel assembly mounted on an aircraft that has an obvious damage until that tire has cooled to ambient temperatures (allow at least 3 hours).

- Always approach a tire/wheel assembly from an oblique angle, in the direction of the tire's shoulder.

 - Deflate tires before removing them from the aircraft. Show caution when removing valve cores as they can be propelled at a high speed from the valve stem.

 - Never ship tires in the cargo area of an aircraft at full pressure. Reduce pressure to 25% of operating pressure or 40 psi, whichever is the lesser.

 - Remove from service tire/wheel assemblies found with one or more tie bolt nuts missing.
